Monthly Archives: August 2006

Hello world!

Welcome to the unofficial PFCOG mirror. This is where we can have conversations, update news items, suggest strategies, and discuss ways to work for peace. Here’s how it works: a registered user posts something, starting a new item in the blog; then anyone who reads it is free to comment. Commenters must supply their e-mail address, and comments will be moderated, as a precaution to keep out spam. We’ll be able to appoint multiple moderators, as well as multiple persons with authorization to initiate posts. The rest of the site lives in static pages, accessible to all, but this blog section will change as new items are added; old items will simply scroll down, and be archived after a month or so. Archives will also be accessible through the sidebar links.

This is an unofficial mirror of the Peace Fellowship of the Church of God Official Website. It is a  temporary test so that the decision makers in the PFCOG can decide if it’s something worth going with. At your service 😉

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